Our Mission

To strengthen, promote and represent nonprofit organizations, empowering them to meet the diverse, changing needs of our communities.

Our Members

Our member organizations touch the lives of countless adults, children and families throughout our region, and in some cases, throughout the nation and the world.

Our members protect our environment, help the homeless, support the arts, feed the hungry, advance education, provide employment assistance, nurture the sick, champion the underserved, and so much more. Their dedication and hard work have a direct, life-changing impact on our communities.

Member Highlight: Casey Trees

Casey Trees is dedicated to restoring, enhancing, and protecting the tree canopy of our nation’s capital.

The organization's mission is to revitalize the urban forest of Washington, DC and the surrounding metro area, engaging volunteers, providing education, and advocating for tree-friendly policies. Through collaborations with government agencies, community groups, and residents, they have planted over 60,000 trees since their founding in 2001.

At the core of their efforts is the belief that a robust urban tree canopy is essential for the environmental health of the city, and the prosperity and well-being of its residents. By setting a goal to achieve 40% canopy coverage by 2032, Casey Trees aims to bridge the gap between urban development and nature conservation, ensuring that the city maintains its legacy as the "City of Trees" for future generations.

Vincent Drader, director of communications & development for Casey Trees, believes the Center's resources support and accelerate the achievement of their mission. "Through the Center for Nonprofit Advancement’s community, trainings, and resources, Casey Trees is able to further its mission by equipping its staff with the skills they need to raise funds, fulfill operational goals, and engage meaningfully with communities."

Our Team 

Created in 1979, the Center for Nonprofit Advancement is the nation’s first state association for nonprofit organizations. For more than four decades, the Center has continued to grow and advance, thanks to the efforts of a dedicated group:

Board of Directors



Our Impact

The Center’s primary service region includes Washington, DC, Prince George's and Montgomery Counties in Maryland and the state of Virginia. However, the Center welcomes any 501(c)(3) nonprofit that wishes to join.

Identifying, monitoring and sharing new and shifting trends within the nonprofit sector, the Center works collaboratively with local experts to develop custom programs and solutions. Through our training, resources and relationships with the corporate, philanthropic and government community, we help our member nonprofits save more … do more … and succeed more—ultimately achieving a more sustainable future.

The Center serves thousands of nonprofit staff, volunteers and board members, making it easier for nonprofits to fulfill their missions by helping them:

Strengthen capacity through training opportunities

1,500+ participants a year

Reallocate more funds to programs with operational savings

10%-50% discounts through group purchasing opportunities

Gain expert insights, market exposure and cash awards through competitions

$29,000 cash grants awarded each year

Network with nonprofit colleagues, industry experts and leaders in the foundation and government sectors

Countless invaluable connections


Our Values

We believe that...

Nonprofits are an essential ingredient in the health of our communities and our democracy. Strong nonprofits lead to better communities, better quality of life and a better democracy.

Nonprofits are stewards of public trust. Transparency and accountability are the foundation of that trust.

Diversity in all forms — organizations, people, religions, and culture — is part of our vitality. Promoting diversity and practicing inclusiveness makes us stronger.

The vibrancy and effectiveness of nonprofits hinge on information, education, celebration, collaboration, and representation. Nonprofits deserve a strong voice in the affairs that affect them. Together, we shape the future.

Intention, commitment, optimism, and a belief in a better tomorrow are vital ingredients in our growth and development and our service philosophy. Every day we strive to do better, be better, serve better.

Social Impact Vision

Effective nonprofits, thriving communities.