Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: 703-385-8888

Fax: 703-385-3940

Email: Tracy Morey

Number of NonProfit Clients: 200

Minority Owned: N/A

Woman Owned: N/A


At Thompson Greenspon, our CPAs can help improve your nonprofit’s financial reporting performance and efficiency – giving you time to perform your mission and advance your cause. We have partnered with nonprofit organizations since 1956, which allows us to anticipate and offer creative solutions to the challenges the board of directors and management team face each day. Our nonprofit services include:

– Audits, Reviews, Compilations, and Agreed Upon Procedures Engagements
– Single Audits under the Uniform Guidance
– Preparation of Form 990, 990T, 990PF, and related state income tax returns
– Consulting/Advisory Services
– Outsourced Accounting Services
– Employee Benefit Plan Audits

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